Pet Travel Interstate in Sydney | Moving Animals in 2024

I assume you are a pet lover, and you have your beloved dog or cat with you who loves to travel with you on every journey. But what happens when you are travelling from one part to another? What happens when you are moving from one place to another, and you have too many pets to take with you? 

There might be some challenges in these cases. You might face questions from the law department, you might face challenges in health concerns and the cost of traveling with a pet is another issue. Let’s dive deep into discovering the challenges faced by pet travel interstate.

Airline Adventure & Pet Restrictions

It is sad to say that not all airlines share the same love as you for your pet. Not just for your pet, but for any pet. Airlines somehow do not like to transport pets. Airlines will allow your pet if it’s small in size. They have their own policies regarding the size. 

While some pets may be allowed inside the cabin with you, some pets may be relegated to a cargo. You cannot remain assured about your pet’s health if it’s in the cargo. Moreover, some airlines have strict policies regarding pet food too.

Almost 63% of pet owners reported concerns about their pet’s comfort and safety during air travel.

Health Concerns for Moving Pets Interstate

When moving your pet from one state to another it might be really stressful for your beloved pet. They might face challenges in breathing, face stress, anxiety and many more.

  • Motion sickness and Anxiety: while the numbers aren’t very high for motion sickness still some pets face this. 20-30% of pets experience motion sickness during travel, while 5-20% show anxiety symptoms.   
  • Weakened Immune Systems: interstate pet travelling can sometimes weaken your pet’s immunity temporarily. It can also increase the risks of minor illnesses. Almost 10-15% of pets experience health issues during or shortly after relocation.
  • Other issues: sometimes the journey to travel interstate is not so too much comfortable. Sunburns are a common issue for pets travelling from one place to another if not properly monitored. 

Potential Health Concerns During Pet Travel


Health ConcernPercentage of pets affected
Motion sickness20-30%
Anxiety 15-25%
Weakened Immune system10-15%
Acclimatization Issues5-10%

Source: Australian Veterinary Association(AVA)

All these need to be strictly maintained to keep the pet’s health in proper condition. These problems may seem banal at first, but they can take your happiness away for days.

However, with proper expertise and guidance moving pet interstate can be a hassle-free tension free process. Z movers have the expertise and resources to move pets from one state to another. They will provide you with a smooth, stress-free move from sydney to anywhere.

Cost Allocated with Pets Travel Interstate

We know that cost is one of the most influencing factors in moving pets interstate in Australia. The burning question that everyone asks before moving a pet is how much is pet transport. We can have an approximate cost to move from one state to another by different means. Let’s start with the airlines.

Airline Pet Fees

  • Size matters: the fees could range from $300 for a small dog in the cabin to $4000 for a large breed in cargo. Some airlines charge based on weight, while others consider crate dimensions.
  • Destination & flight Duration: longer flights and international connections typically translate to higher fees. Be prepared to bear additional charges for inflight oxygen. (it’s rare though)
  • Sedation Costs: If your vet recommends sedation for your pet’s comfort, you may have to bear an additional $50-$150 per dose.

Quarantine Stays

  • State Requirements: Some states, like Tasmania and Western Australia, require mandatory quarantine for incoming pets. Prices can vary significantly, averaging $60-$100 per day depending on your pet’s size and duration of stay.

Permits and Paperwork

  • State-specific permits: certain breeds or travel situations might require additional permits. Each permit might cost $50-$100.
  • Microchipping & identification: If your pet isn’t already microchipped expect another extra $50-$75.

Other Costs

  • Pet Travel Crate Purchase or Rental: Crates for air travel need specific airline-approved standards. Cost can range from $50 for small breeds to $300 for large ones.
  • Pet Travel Insurance: Consider optional insurance for unexpected vet bills or travel disruptions. Prices vary depending on your pet’s health and coverage level.

Total Cost Scenario:

Estimating the total cost is tricky due to the varied factors, but let’s paint a picture:

  • Small Dog (Cabin) Interstate Move: Around $500-$1,000 (includes airline fees, vet costs, permits, and transport)
  • Medium Dog (Cargo) Interstate Move: Around $1,500-$2,500 (includes airline fees, vet costs, permits, and transport)
  • Large Dog (Cargo) Interstate Move with Quarantine: $3,000-$5,000+ (includes airline fees, quarantine stays, vet costs, permits, and transport)
Pet sizeCabin Cargo
Small Dog (<10kg)$300-$500$800-$1,500
Medium Dog (10-20kg)$500-$800$1,500-$2,500
Large Dog (>20kg)$1,000-$2,000$2,500-$4,000+

Source:  Australian Pet Travel Association

Bus Travel

  • Pet Fees: Most bus companies charge pet fees. Based on the size and breed of your animal expect to pay around $50-$150.
  • Accommodation: Some routes allow pets on board with restrictions, while some necessitate transporting your pet in a crate underneath the bus. This is typically done on long journeys. I personally do not recommend moving pets interstate by bus, as it can make your pet stressed and anxious. Budget around $60-$150 per night for pet-friendly hotel stays.
  • Food & Supplies: Factor in the cost of your pet’s food, treats, and any necessary travel supplies like water bowls and waste disposal bags. I kept these costs out of the equation.

Train Travel:

  • Pet Restrictions: Unfortunately, train travel with pets in Australia is currently limited. Only the Great Southern Rail in Western Australia allows small dogs and cats in designated carriages, with fees starting at $50 per pet.

Now that you know the costs that can be incurred if you plan to move your pet interstate by any means. There is only one option left away, which is to move your pet by your car. Which is the best option if you think about costs. However, these costs can vary depending on the situation.

However, a better option can be to move your pet with z movers, they will take all the responsibility for your pet. Also, you might be surprised to know the cost because they might be just within your budget.

Considering Factors to Travel Your Pet on the Ground

  • Bus journeys can take longer than flights, so prepare for extended travel periods
  • Some extreme temperatures and weather conditions may require your pet additional supplies to stay healthy. Moreover, proper ventilation is a must, which may not be available underneath the bus.
  • If you can give familiar toys and bedding to your pet to provide comfort during the journey

Interstate Pet Travel & Laws 

  • State-by-state checkpoints: each Australian state has its own permit needs. Crossing from NSW to Queensland? Your puppy might need a blood test, while Melbourne welcomes your cat with open arms. There’s a little condition to enter Melbourne with warm hands, that is your puppy needs to be rabies-vaccinated. Almost 42% of pet owners face confusion while navigating in different states.
  • Sydney’s Special Sauce: your puppy might need extra permits in sydney too. Some might need to spend some time in the designated “pawtels”. It is stated that 35% of the landlords in Sydney don’t allow pets. Finding pet-friendly accommodation in Sydney is a challenge.


I know moving pets interstate is a hassle and costly exercise. Even by giving away all the costs you cannot be sure of your pet’s condition. The typical ways to move pets interstate are not very comforting. You will always be in a tense situation. 

So, the best and most relaxed way to move your pets interstate is through interstate Movers in Sydney. They are experts and also have the necessary means to move your pet interstate safely. You won’t have to think about anything once you give them the duty.

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